Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan Essay

In my first report I indicated my age 42 years old, my weight was 165 pounds and height 5’6†. My daily exercise was riding bike between 6 to 8 miles a day for 3 days during the week for a total of 350 minutes of Physical Activity. Week one 3 day analysis for breakfast I had a cup of coffee with flavored cream with sandwich or cereals, for lunch I had sandwich or reheated food from previous day, snack I had wheat cake, fruits or chips and for dinner; Latin food, hamburger or pasta, don’t drink soft drinks, but drink Lipton Iced Tea and water. (Matta) (2012). Based on the first report I was over in grains on vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein foods, oils I was under; empty calories I was under with 280 calories, total calories average was 1785 status and sodium was high on all 3 days. (SuperTracker) (n. d. ). After the first report I tried to modified some eating habits measuring the amount of food; cereal, pasta, rice and beans in cups, steaks and fish cut in 4 ounces, drink more water and less alcoholic drinks and increase my daily exercise adding two days of walking 3 miles per day increasing my weekly Physical Activity to 630 minutes. Matta) (2013). The latest report from January 2nd through January 4th, all the food groups where under my empty calories was lower then the first one at 208 and my average total calories was lower at 1292 average per day but my sodium limit is still high. The result of this modification is my current weight at 155 pounds and drop from a 36†³ waist size to a 34†³. Based on Food Tracker my daily calorie limit allowance is 2400 and at least 150 minutes per week of physical activity. I am under the allowance of calories and over my physical activity per week. (SuperTracker) (n. d. ). Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan After reviewing both analysis I have realized that my challenge is sodium, I don’t use salt but some of the food I consume are high on sodium. Colorado State University indicates that sodium is found in most process foods to preserve or flavor them; sodium has an important role maintaining water balance within the cells and in the function of both impulses and muscle but consuming excess sodium may lead to edema or water retention, high blood pressure and in Women may be at higher risk for developing osteoporosis even if calcium intake is adequate. Colorado State University) (n. d. ). In my family our medical history is high blood pressure my Mother, Brother and I have this condition. The American Heart Association indicates that high blood pressure can be inherited by one of both parents if they have a history of the condition, advance age can develop a higher risk, gender related risk pattern, lack of physical activity, overweight, obesity, drinking to much alcohol and Poor diet, especially one that includes too much salt other possible factors could be stress, smoking, second hand smoke and sleep apnea. (American Heart Association) (2012). The effects of having high blood pressure are, a stroke it can cause a break or weakened blood vessel which the brain can bleed, it is a major factor in heart attacks the arteries brings oxygen-carrying blood to the heart muscle if the heart doesn’t receive the proper oxygen, blood flow is blocked a heart attach can occur, Kidney damage in over time the high blood pressure can narrow or thicken the blood vessels of the Kidney this we result in filtering less fluids and waste build up in the blood the result can be dialysis or kidney transplant and Arteries, the arteries in the brain, heart and kidney hardens making all three to work harder. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute) (n. d. ). Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan I believe I have a good diet consuming my total calories for day, the amount of food and exercise but as mentioned before sodium is my challenge. My action plan will be related with sodium and how to keep high blood pressure under control, the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute give me some tips on how to reduce sodium in my diet, buy fresh, plain frozen, or canned vegetable with no salt added, use fresh poultry, fish, and lean meat rather then canned or process types, use herbs, spices and salt-free seasoning blends in cooking, cut back in salad dressing, rinse can food such as tuna to remove sodium and choose ready to eat breakfast cereals lower in sodium. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute) (n. d. ). With these tips my action planned is to buy less process foods, use more white meat instead of red and consume it in small amounts, utilize less dressing or replace it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar in small amounts and consumed more salt free products for exercise my plan will be the same as I have in present time, I will ride my bike 3 days a week between 6 to 8 miles and walk 2 days a week 3 miles per day this plan will keep my body active and healthy. Matta) (2013), All action plans have their share of setbacks some of the anticipated setbacks for both food and exercise; for food is the amount of time that I have to go to the grocery store and buy the products mentioned above, I have a very active lifestyle family, work, study, and exercise; time is very limited, this is why we go to a restaurant, buy process food or can food without reading the labels a plan that I will implement with my wife is to go the first day of the month and go to the grocery store and supply our sel f with the necessary healthy food for the entire month and go once a week to replenish anything that we need; for exercise my setback is more the ability to keep motivated and time to overcome this my plan is to keep my picture of my Final Project, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Exercise Plan Daughter and I in the door fridge when I was overweight, this picture is why I decided to do exercise, loose weight and keep it off. (Matta) (2013). One tool I learned from our class is Super Tracker since I learned about this site I have use it since and I will keep using it until I have to register again, Super Tracker gives me suggestion and measure the outcome of my action plan plus doing my yearly checkup with the Doctor for my high blood pressure and health. If I keep my action plan in tact the result will be a positive one healthy body and mind but If don’t follow my action plan the health risk factor will be a negative one I can gain weight and high blood pressure which can create a stroke or heart attack or even worst death. (Matta) (2013). Colorado State University indicates as we age it is important to eat more calcium, iron protein Vitamins A, C and flacon; reduce calories selected nutrient-dense foods and enjoy smaller portions of foods high in fat, sugar and sodium. (Colorado State University) (n. d. ). As I age I will follow my doctors instruction and educate myself and adjust based on the information provided eat smaller portion, use Vitamins and reduce any sugar and sodium from my diet, in regard of my exercise as I age my body will have less motion I will walk more a bike ride less, in Florida the 4 seasons are basically the same good weather but in summer the heat is overwhelming and it rains constantly this could alter my physical activity the option is to go to a gym or my YMCA to exercise indoors. (Matta) (2013). Conclusion our body is a perfect machine created to live, serve and reproduce in our world, we are responsible in taking care of it. We should always try our best to eat healthy and keep it fit so we can live a long, healthy and happy life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Nucor Corporation Case Analysis Essay

1. What are the primary competitive forces impacting U.S. steel producers in general and the producers like Nucor that make new steel products via recycling scrap steel in particular? Please do a five-forces analysis Rivalry among Steel Producers There is a fierce competitive force in this industry. Rivalry revolves heavily around price competition because most steel products are commodities. Producing steel of satisfactory quality is most producers are familiar with. In a commodity market like steel, it is hard to distinguish products of one steel producer from another. I this type of market condition, buyers make a choice among lowest/best price sellers. Moreover, competitively, meeting customers’ delivery schedule requirements is also a relevant consideration for the buyers. This particularly holds true when rival sellers are charging fierce competitive prices. Nucor is figuring out how to use low-cost scrap steel recycling technology to make a wider and wider range of steel products. Nucor is using its newly developed technological capabilities to enter a fierce battle for market share in the new product categories. Competition from Substitutes A moderately strong competitive force: there are substitute products that compete with steel. For instance, aluminum, plastics and other materials can be used in place of steel in some products. The Threat of Entry A moderately strong competitive force: it is less likely that new start-up firms will enter the steel industry. According to this case, existing steel producers are anxious to operate their plant at their full capacity. It is more likely to seek out customers in geographic markets where they do not currently have a presence. Moreover, it is clear that new entry may occur when companies like Nucor and Mittal Steel acquire less successful steel  producers and try to turn the operations of the newly acquired companies into strong contenders in the marketplace. Nucor’s recent acquisitions, for example, represent entry of a potent and competitively successful steel company into either product categories or geographic areas where its presence is minimal. Similarly, Mittal Steel’s growth via acquisition strategy has turned it into a major competitive force worldwide. Bargaining Power of Suppliers There is a moderate competitive force in case of scrap steel suppliers and unionized steel companies but there will be a weak competitive force otherwise. There is an indication that suppliers are major competitive factors. However, the price of scrap steel is a key input for mini-mills and rising scrap prices can put them at a competitive disadvantage. But scrap steel prices appear to be a function of overall market demand-supply conditions rather than a function of the power of individual suppliers of scrap steel. Bargaining Power of Customers A moderate to weak competitive force when demand is strong and in short supply but a potent competitive force when demand is weak and steel suppliers are anxious to win a customer’s business. The competitive conditions in steel can be tough when the supply is greater than demand and that price competition tends to dominate the competitive environment because of the commodity-like nature of steel products. 2. What driving forces do you see at work in this industry? Are they likely to impact the industry’s competitive structure favorably or unfavorably? Three factors qualify as driving forces here: A. Technological innovation in steel-making via electric arc furnace technology, thin-slab casting, and direct casting of carbon steel that has allowed companies like Nucor to enter product segments formerly dominated by the integrated mills of producers using older, more traditional steel-making technology. This driving force is acting to increase the competitive pressures that mini-mills are putting on the integrated producers. There is an unfavorable result from the standpoint of integrated producers but a  highly favorable result from the standpoint of the producers like Nucor that are leading the charge to use new low-cost steel-making technology. B. Steel-making capacity worldwide exceeds the demand for steel, such that companies anxious to operate their plants at full capacity are seeking to find foreign customers for their output. Thus a number of foreign steel suppliers are shipping some of their output to the U.S. This puts them in a head-to-head competition with domestic steel suppliers. High-cost domestic steel suppliers are the hard hit by imported foreign steel. C. Industry consolidation to a smaller number of larger and more competitively successful steel companies (lead in part by the acquisitions of Mittal Steel and Nucor) is acting to increase competitive pressures. Aggressive companies like Nucor may be able to acquire efficient plants at bargain basement prices and enhance their long-term competitive market position. The industry outlook and competitive structure is much brighter for a low-cost producer like Nucor, which, is in a good financial position. In other words, tough industry conditions do not hit all competitors equally hard. As one of the industry’s low-cost producers, Nucor is in good position to gain sales and market share at the expense of the high-cost producers and those exiting the marketplace. Thus an industry’s market environment may be unattractive to some rivals doesn’t necessarily mean it is unattractive to all rivals because tough conditions for some may mean attractive opportunities for others. 3. How attractive are the prospects for future profitability of U.S. steelmakers? Should Nucor consider expanding in this type of industry environment? Why or why not? All the U.S. steelmakers have different prospects for future profitability. High-cost steelmakers in the U.S. are in a risky position, earning profits because of short supplies and historically high market prices, but facing a weaker future when demand weakens and the market prices for steel products slip. A low-cost producer like Nucor is easy to gain sales and market share at the expense of high-cost producers, although it must certainly fight off low-cost foreign suppliers opting to sell in the U.S. to achieve this result. Hence, we think Nucor should certainly consider expanding its capacity via both additional acquisitions and the construction of new plant capacity. And Nucor should probably be somewhat aggressive in doing so, since it has proven expertise in operating plants efficiently and profitably. However, many domestic steel producers  need to understand expanding in the present environment unless they have the knowledge and ability to do so. There is a tendency for domestic steel producers to acquire and expand existing steel mills rather than to construct new ones. In doing this, they can avoid price-cutting and overcapacity during excess supply of steel products. 4. What type of strategy has Nucor followed? Which of the five generic strategies discussed in Chapter 5 is Nucor employing? Is there any reason to believe that Nucor has achieved a sustainable competitive advantage over many of its steel industry rivals? If so, what type of competitive advantage does Nucor enjoy? Low cost provider: continued plant upgrades, cost reduction, and greater control over raw material costs. Very clearly, Nucor is pursuing a low-cost leadership strategy. Such a competitive approach often is the best strategy in a commodity product industry. Nucor has been successful in achieving relatively low production costs. Nucor builds plants inexpensively and operates them efficiently. Nucor’s record of profitability during hard times in the domestic steel industry is clear evidence that it is a low cost provider as compared to other domestic steel producers in the U.S. Nucor has to go far away from domestic competitors. No domestic competitors appear to have costs as low as Nucor. Nucor has a sustainable low-cost advantage over domestic steel producers and that it seems able to hold its own in competing against low-cost foreign steelmakers. 5. What are the specific policies and operating practices that Nucor has employed to implement and execute its chosen strategy? Some of the specific policies and operating practices that Nucor has employed to implement and execute its chosen strategy (in pursuit of low-cost leadership status) include: ï‚  The aggressive implementation of cost-saving technological improvements Nucor’s incentive compensation system for both plant employees and senior managers Nucor’s HR practices and policies such as its no-layoff policy and its empowerment of plant employees The company’s low-cost culture and operating practices. The company’s pursuit of innovative technologies to inter into new market segments ï‚  The emphasis on decentralized decision-making and a very lean corporate staff. ï‚  Employees were kept informed about company and division performance. Most all employees were quite aware of the level of profits in their plant or division. Nucor plants were linked electronically to each  other’s production schedules, and each plant strived to operate in a just-in-time inventory mode. 6. What specific factors account for why Nucor has been so successful over the past several decades? Do these factors have more to do with great strategy, great strategy execution, or great leadership? There are several factors that account for Nucor’s spectacular success over the years: 1. Nucor’s a low-cost leadership strategy. Nucor is an excellent example of a company with a winning strategy (a clear reason for the company’s success). 2. All of its operating practices, policies, and procedures are great competing strategies for Nucor, but it has also implanted and executed those strategies effectively and efficiently. 3. Nucor has had great strategic leadership, especially, in the case of Ken Iverson, Dan DiMicco, and senior executive team is a big reason for the company’s success over the long-term. Therefore, Nucor is a standout company in an industry that is highly competitive and profitable. Nucor can be an example of â€Å"great strategy + great strategy execution = great management â€Å" 7. What is your assessment of Nucor’s financial performance the past several years? How strong is the company’s financial condition? Financial Analysis Assessment of Nucor’s financial performance in the past several years and the company’s financial strength can be analyzed mainly using Nucor’s case Exhibits 1, 2, and 3. Based on the data on Exhibit 1, the following Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGR) of Tons Sold for Outside Customers, Total Net Sales, Total Earnings Before Tax, and Total Net Earnings are analyzed: Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) = [(Ending Value / Beginning Value)^(1/n)] – 1 The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of total tons of steel sold to outside customers from 1970-2006 and 2007-2011 is 13.86% and 13.99% respectively. These figures show that there is an increasing trend in the total amount of steel sold to the outside customers. CAGR in net sales from 1970-2006 is 17.06% and the net sales from 2007-2011 is 18.06% CAGR in earnings before taxes from 1970-2006 is 21.84% and that of from 2007-2011 is 19.05% CAGR in net earnings from 1970-2006 is 22.74% and that of from 2007-2011 is about 20% The calculated result clearly indicate that Nucor has been able to grow its business very consistently over the past several years from 1970 to 2011 even though there were fluctuations in the total tons of  steel sold after 2008 as indicated in Exhibit 1 on page C-215. The data in Case Exhibit 2 indicates that Nucor is in good financial shape and that its financial performance has been particularly strong from 2002-2008. Using the financial ratio information provided along with calculations of CAGRs, we can determine the following: Nucor’s net sales grew from $4.8 billion in 2002 to $23.7 billion in 2008, a very healthy CAGR of 25.62%. The strong increase is due both to rising unit sales volume and rising selling prices per ton (we can see in columns 2 and 3 of Exhibit 1 on page C-215 and also the data in case Exhibit 3 on page C-221). Nucor’s net earnings grew from $162.1 million in 2002 to $1.83 billion in 2008; and CAGR of 41.4%. However, the big gains primarily came from 2004-2008 period. Financial Ratios Based on the above table the cost of goods sold as a percentage of net sales in 2007, 2008, and 2009 is 81.14%, 82.90%, and 98.62% respectively. The rise in percentage of Nucor’s cost of goods sold during 2007-2009 is more a reflection of a depressed sales price for steel products than of costs running out of control. This implies that the rate at which the sales decreased is greater than the rate at which the cost of good sold decreased  because in Exhibit 2 both the net sales and cost of goods sold shows a decreasing trend. However, the net sales decreased by more than 50%, whereas the cost of goods sold decreased by a little less than 50%. Generally, there is from 2007 to 2011, we can conclude that there is a fluctuating trend in the cost of products sold as a percentage of net sales. Likewise, the marketing, administrative, and other expenses as a percentage of net sales has a fluctuating trend due to a fluctuating trend in both net sales and marketing, administrative, and other expenses. Generally, all things considered, Nucor is in very good financial shape. If we look at the balance sheet statement from 2000 to 2006 as a representative of the whole data, Nucor’s working capital has increased from $821.5 million in 2000 to $3.23 billion in 2006, giving it substantially more fund to conduct business operations and more financial flexibility. The company’s current ratio has climbed steadily during the 2000-2006 period as well. When we look at the cash flow statement, Nucor’s cash flows from operating activities climbed from $820.8 million in 2000 to $2.25 billion in 2006. This implies that Nucor’s cash flows have been sufficient to cover its annual capital expenditure. As far as Nucor’s long-term debt is concerned, even though Nucor’s long-term debt climbed from $460.5 million in 2000 to $922.3 million in 2006, Nucor’s long-term debt as a percentage of stockholders’ equity dropped from 21.6% to 19.1%; the company clearly has the ability to handle the higher level of debt due to acquisition. 8. What issues does Nucor management need to address? To be more financially and competitively successful in the years ahead, Nucor has to address the following issues: In Nucor’s case, we see the following issues: International expansion should be strengthened. For example, Work more on  value added products Expansion into developing countries Developing strategic aliens with other steel producing companies (Caterpillars) to better strength themselves. Union formation is a key to employee rights Recommendations Continue to pursue a low-cost leadership strategy Continue to seek out profitable opportunities to expand the company’s production capacity. Expanding into the markets of foreign countries needs to be pursued very carefully and cautiously because of its exclusive access to lower- cost steel-making technologies

Monday, July 29, 2019

Sickle cell anemia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sickle cell anemia - Research Paper Example Most people do not know the difference between the sickle cell disease and the sickle cell trait and instead they ignore all this and discover only after the baby has been screened and found to have the trait or the disease. If the mothers were aware about the sickle cell anaemia, they would go for screening but for most mothers they are not aware of the disease and they therefore cannot be educated on how to take care of themselves and their children when it comes to anaemia. Sickle cell anaemia has been said to be mostly evident in African- American women. The interview taken showed that most of them were not aware that the disease is most prominent among them and they were not aware of what to do if they are found to be having the said disease. The demographics of the sample show that most of the women who were interviewed are paid below 50,000 dollars. An interview should have been conducted that shows the search relating to those women who are paid above 50,000 dollars in order to reflect how poverty contributes to the disease. This would have shown if most of the women who are paid over 50,000 dollars have been screened and if they aware about the disease or if it is just a matter of ignorance from everyone. The sample was only focused on African -American women who earned less than 50,000 dollars. It would have been widened to include women who were not African-American so that it can be shown that the disease is mainly prone to African-American women. This would have created the distinction between other ethnic groups and tribes and the African- American women. The sample indeed showed that most of the pregnant women were not aware about the disease but this could be so because they do not receive any education regarding the disease and therefore get into relationships without knowing if they have the disease or not. Others choose not to share such information to their partners out of fear of what would happen if they gave out such information. It has b een said that most of the women fear telling their husbands that they have the disease. A sample of husbands who have sickle cell or those whose children have sickle cell should also have been included to see if they are aware of how the disease is transferred. Ignorant husband are also a contributory factor to the spread of the disease. If you take an example of the men who have sickle cell anaemia, a fraction of the men would have portrayed that most of them did not share with their wives the fact that they had anaemia. Another study would have been carried out for those husbands who did have the sickle cell disease to reflect whether they shared the fact to their wives and if they shared it what precautions they took. The spouse’s ignorance too, leads to the spread of the disease as much as it is a disease that is rampant among pregnant mothers. The knowledge of one of the spouses would have contributed a great deal if they shared the fact to their partners. Since their pa rtners do not want to tell their wives that, they have sickle cell anaemia and on the other hand, the wives fear telling their husbands this leads to a situation where the disease is only discovered while giving birth. A sample of the children with anaemia should have been taken to reveal whether the children are aware of the disease or for those who have it whether they are on medication or if they are on treatment for the same. A great risk is

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Write your opinion, views and feelings regarding the following Essay

Write your opinion, views and feelings regarding the following statement - Essay Example This implies that while my physical health was improving, the psychological part also benefited from the class. In addition, I also improved with regard to muscle strength since I began attending the Physical Education classes. Here, my stamina as well as my flexibility improved. For example, since I was previously overweight, in spite of my significantly big body, I found it challenging to raise weights that I should have been comfortable lifting. However, following the Physical Education class, I improved on this perspective gradually. At one time, I visited my doctor because I had some health problems such as fatigue who explained to me that I had accumulated so much fat in my body to the point that the pressure of my blood was increasing rapidly. Since I started taking these classes, although it was not easy for me having a big body, I improved and the fatigue went away. I used to feel very depressed because of the problems that I was experiencing due to being overweight. However, since I started attending the Physical Education classes at ABC, depression feelings were gone since the causes of such feelings were also disappearing and improving my overall wellbeing. Moreover, my sleeping improved because I am now able to deal with emotional challenges that result from overweight in a better way. My self-esteem also improved. Previously, my friends used to avoid me and even tease me because of my body. Since I began taking the classes, my self-esteem as well as self-confidence has increased significantly, as my fr iends are no longer avoiding me. This implies that my relationship with my peers has significantly improved. Since the sports classes at the college were well coordinated, I was able to acquire skills that I can use at my home to exercise and ensure that I remain fit as much as possible. The ABC Physical

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Weimar and the Rise of the Nazi Party Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Weimar and the Rise of the Nazi Party - Essay Example Although political revolution changed following the abolishment of monarchy, Nicholls (2000:62) notes that administrative structures of the previous authoritarian government remained unchanged. According to Nicholls (2000:65), Weimar republic government retained a large proportion of civil servants and judicial personnel from the previous administration. Retention of these civil servants hindered implementation of the new government’s policies. The country’s judicial system was conservative and nationalistic, which resulted to biasness in passing judgments to the various antagonizing parties in the country (Davidson, 1978:42). For instance, the courts heavily punished left wing rivals, while right wing enemies such as Hitler were handed light sentences (Nicholls, 2000: 72). In the education sector, officials with strong dislike to democratic reforms were allowed to retain their duties, where they â€Å"indoctrinated students with dictatorial and nationalist ideologiesà ¢â‚¬  (Kershaw, 1998: 19). Lack of cooperative administrative institutions encouraged the country’s industrialists to develop significant influence and power, which eventually toppled the Weimar republic. The military in the Weimar republic was highly autonomous and since it was one of the major institutions responsible for protecting the country against aggression, the government was compelled to make policies favourable to the force, creating further instability (Davidson, 1978:57). The autonomy in the military resulted in formation of private armies, such as Freikorps which undermined sustenance of stable and peaceful political environment. According to Davidson (1978), citizens inclined to democratic governance were violently suppressed by private security agencies. The apparent failure of the Weimar republic to discipline and take control of these security agencies exposed the public to threats and intimidation, which eventually undermined sustainable development of dem ocratic government in Germany. Moreover, formation of many political parties necessitated formation of coalition government which made it more difficult to manage and run a successful government (Kershaw 1998:94) Several key events took place from 1918 to 1924. In October 1918, the military government handed power to civilians. In the following year, internal revolutions, violent uprisings and mutinies took place in Germany, creating political crisis. However, a constituent assembly was formed in January 1919 and new constitution promulgated seven months later. In June 1919, the treaty of Versailles was signed, a developed that severely undermined the incumbent government. In the beginning of 1921, German economy experienced high inflation, which developed into hyperinflation in 1923. According to Kershaw (1998:59)) the German currency totally collapsed where 4.2 trillion dollar marks exchanged for one US $ in November 1923. In November 1923, Adolf Hitler’s attempt to take co ntrol of Weimar government and conservative Bavarian state failed, but the Beer Hall Pursch exposed the then obscure politician to publicity (Nicholls, 2000: 69) In 1924, Stresemann became the leader of Weimar government and a period of rapid economic development and political stability that lasted for about six years followed. In 1924 for instance, German currency was reissued and Dawes plan that encouraged huge foreign investment from the United States to German economy and rescheduling of reparation payments was implemented. The collapse of the United States stock market in 1929 triggered a global economic depression and Germany was severely affected (Davidson, 1978:44). This event marked a turning point for the National Socialist Party

'Has nudity in advertising become dysfunctional Essay

'Has nudity in advertising become dysfunctional - Essay Example The findings showed that mixed results. Majority of the participants felt that nudity enhanced the effectiveness of advertising. However, there were also some participants who felt that nudity lowered the effectiveness of advertising. The findings of this study have implications for marketing experts and for people responsible for developing adverts. There is an urgent need for marketers to understand how their target customers will view the advert that contains nudity. Marketers need to respect the views of their customers and not show anything which may offend them. Presently it is observed that utilizing nudity in promotional advertisements has take up pace and many people are falling for it too. Companies are concerned with large scale revenue generation and therefore it is okay for them to ignore some standards of ethics. 14 It should be noted here as per Gibson (1982), that the most important aspects of an organization that are depicted in its branding and advertisement schemes are organizational culture and organizational structure. 15 A company’s internal environment has a large amount of psychological and economical bearings on the company’s working. It serves as the paradigm says Cassidy (2005) in which workers from different departments work to a foreseeable future. It is therefore necessary for all the components to work in utter solidarity with each other. A harmonious environment catalyzes a more efficient response with better results as explained by Kasoori (2009) 20 A prosperous procedure in the company should consider some sort of well organized and also effectively propagated advertisement promotions which might be both equally influential and also workable. Elliot (1997) says that a number of variable mass media transmission options must be employed; web, radio stations and also television set must be used by promotional campaigns as the items along with the business

Friday, July 26, 2019

There are questions I need to answer to them I will write it in Assignment

There are questions I need to answer to them I will write it in assigment criteria - Assignment Example Alternatively, the market structure can be defined as oligopoly in view of the fact that that there are other key players within the market who are â€Å"peer competitors† (James, 2010, p. 211). The key aspects of existing corporate objectives of Toyota Motors, with respect to its marketing plan are (1) Mission Statement, (2) Targets of the Business, and (3) Sustainable Competitive Advantage. The Toyota Motor’s mission statement is termed as a â€Å"Global Vision† (Liker & Meier, 2011, p. 111) on the company’s website. The company aims to lead the way to the potential of mobility, inspiring lives all over the world with the most secure as well as most responsible ways commuting. Through its dedication towards excellence, continuous improvement and admiration for the planet, the company plans to go beyond expectations and â€Å"be rewarded with a smile† (Liker & Meier, 2011, p. 123). ... 51) approach turned out to be immensely popular as consumers no longer considered a locally made Toyota as substandard. Customer confidence can only be gained by a reliable, elegant product, and Toyota recognizes that promoting better-quality human resources is crucial to ascertain consistent quality. Toyota’s mission statement shows that company’s objectives incorporate acquiring clients through provisions of high-valued products as well as services, and the most rewarding experience of ownership. â€Å"This mission is topped only by the company’s vision of being the most successful and respected car company in around the globe† (Lusch et al, 2006, p. 267). With these principles in mind, the marketing plan of the Toyota reveals an evaluated approach of company’s quantitative as well as qualitative objectives, to guarantee alliance with the existing mission and success in accomplishing. As an international business, Toyota sets its objectives based on international sales. The existing corporate objective involves international sales of the Toyota to reach 25 billion. For an automobile manufacturer that previously sells just over 750,000 units in United States, the corporate objectives also includes reinventing the image of Toyota and target a redefined market segment with the intention of creating the additional sales required, by demonstrating the value of Toyota Motors and enhancing the link of consumers with the Toyota family. Marketing Audit Marketing Mix Marketing mix is a vital part of the marketing policies of the Toyota Motors. With the execution of the varied components of the marketing mix, the business has made very successful marketing strategies as well as methods. With the marketing approach, planned on the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Environmental science Lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Environmental science Lab - Essay Example For instance, the journal experience on good use and recycling of materials has influenced the way I utilize available resources. Shopping habits have changed for the better and I have developed the discipline of shopping the necessary and important things. More notably, I have changed the way I utilize natural resources especially nonrenewable resources. I have gained profoundly from the journal experiences and I have observed many changes in my daily life. I have come to realize that our individual contribution towards the environment can have a remarkable impact. Undeniably, meaningful and positive change in the environment can only be realized when the individuals who understand environmental issues influence the rest of the population. Each one of us should be an environmental ambassador. Simply put, the journal experiences have taught me to be a more responsible global citizen especially when it comes to environmental conservation. Each step of the journal experiences was enjoy able. It fills me with gratification knowing that my contribution towards the environment is greatly

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

System Development - Tools and Techniques Essay - 1

System Development - Tools and Techniques - Essay Example Information system failure can occur to any organization, since there are a myriad of causes to such failures. However, the underlying factor is the disruption of the organizational functions and the losses that comes with such system failures. Therefore, this discussion seeks to analyze the various causes of system failures within organizations, with a keen interest on the challenges faced by the system developers, while also seeking to unearth the different techniques that can be applied to address the issue of system failures within organizations. Key challenges facing system analysts and developers resulting to systems failure Information systems failure can occur at different points in the implementation of the information system project within an organization. The information system failures may occur during the pre-implementation, implementation and even in the post-implementation stages of the project. The causes of these failures include: Lack of adequate research During the pre-implementation stage, it is important that a comprehensive research is done, to discover the information needs of an organization, and thus determine the sought of the information system that such an organization requires [2]. ... A good case study of lack of adequate research and incorrect assumptions, is that of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, where a system was developed to test nuclear reactors, where an error was made through a miscalculation done in the earthquake testing system by the system developer due to inadequate research regarding the system requirements [2]. Five nuclear reactors were developed using the same system, and the error was discovered months after the nuclear reactors had started being used to produce energy. This posed a great health danger, as well as the disruptions of the services of the utility companies that were depending on these reactors, causing them to turn to alternative sources of energy production, such as petroleum and coal power, which were relatively expensive and inefficient [5]. Lack of adequate training or expertise Another major challenge, which falls in the pre-implementation stage of information system development, is lack of adequate formal training, or lack of expertise on the side of the system developers. The lack of training and expertise results to poor system development, where either some of the information system components are left out, or where the information system prepared does not meet every specification of the organizational needs [2]. The weakness of the system developers, owing to lack of adequate training or expertise can also be demonstrated in the testing stage of the information system, where the testing of the system may not be done, or the testing process may fail, or even pose a great danger, due to some system faults. A case example in point, is that of the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, where a computer system that was meant to store data for 220

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Commercial Leases Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Commercial Leases - Case Study Example Among these are grounds where the tenant has failed to pay the rent or meet other lease obligations, but the landlord may also seek possession on certain specific grounds where the tenant is not "at fault". High Street Properties Ltd (HSP) would be the landlord of shopping parade in South West London by purchase. To modernisation and refurbishment to improve the rents HSP may send a notice under Part II of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 and The LTA 11954, Part 2 (Notices) Regulations 2004. Tenants have lots of provision to protect it. This question raises some issues from commercial lease. In order to answer this question it is necessary to discuss landlord's rights against lease property, tenant's right, and forfeiture of terms of lease contract. High Street Properties Ltd (HSP) intends to purchase and refurbish a shopping parade in South West London built in the 1930s from another property investment company. The properties need modernisation and refurbishment to improve the rents significantly. HSP 2 has to consider the terms of the contract, covenant of the commercial lease contract. From the question it is clear that the High Street Properties Ltd will not be the original contracting party. Thus it also required checking with if there are any Sub-lets among the tenants. HSP should establish 'privity of estate' with the tenants by purchasing the shopping parade. However, here it is important when HSP intends to purchase. If HSP intends to purchase before June 2004, they will seek Part II of the LTA 1954. Otherwise, HSP has to follow The Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, Part 2 (Notices) Regulations 2004 because from 1 June 2004, substantial changes to the legislation relating to business tenancies will come into effect. The Artical "Analysing the Changes 3" by JOYCE, J.' 2005 questioned law and surveying professional as to their opinion on the amandments introduced. The article provides the results from a survey, which was sent to members of the Property Litigation Association, the Royal Institute of chartered surveyor and the Chancery Bar Association. Of the two hundred and thirty one responses recieved the majority of respondents had felt the amendments had been successful and were easy to implement. They amount to the most radical amendment to this legislation, since it was introduced 50 years ago. The LRA 4 1967 has a significant effect. But this question of fact completely ignore about the era or year. So in this require discussing all the possible circumstance. a) First of all HSP will be determined whether they are business tenant or not. Royal Life Saving Society v Page 5 In this case Court determined who would be the business tenant. The Court held that the doctor's professional use was incidental to his residential use. In Street v Mountford 6 Lord Templeman suggested that there are three characteristics of a lease, these are exclusive possession, a determinate period, for a rent or other consideration. Exclusive possession means that the tenant has control over any one who enters the premises and can exclude everyone, including the landlord. BELL, C.D., 2002. GARNER, S., and FRITH, A., 2004 define the essential elements of Business tenancy. In Cheryl Investments Ltd v Saldanha 7 the court held that this was a business tenancy as

Monday, July 22, 2019

Coca Cola Essay Example for Free

Coca Cola Essay Organizations need to change and adopt dynamic survival strategies to stay alive in uncertain political, social and economic environment (Hiatt and Creasy, 2003). All environmental factors present in the nature experience change on continuous basis. Human nature resists change, so managing that resistance requires well planned change management strategies. A structured approach to transfer organization, its people and processes from current state to a desired future state is called change management. This process gives employees the ability to accept changes in the existing environment of the business. Change can be of different type for example, change in technology, operations or strategies etc. company needs to implement individual strategies to cope with each type of change. Coca Cola Corporation is among one of the oldest corporations of the world. It has gone through many internal and external changes since it has been in existence. The company has used techniques of change management in order to survive from the consequences of those events. Coca Cola is a type of company that requires making changes in its products and business strategies according to the consumer expectations and external environment. Here in this study we would quote different examples from coca cola corporation’s history and will examine that what were the triggering events for opting the change and what strategies the company developed and implemented in order to successfully going through the transitioning process. Coca Cola is a type of company that requires making changes in its products and business strategies according to the consumer expectations and external environment. Here in this study we would quote different examples from coca cola corporation’s history and will examine that what were the triggering events for opting the change and what strategies the company developed and implemented in order to successfully going through the transitioning process. It is a well known fact that Coca Cola Corporation is an entrepreneurial venture started by one person who bought the formula from another firm and laid foundations of that beverages manufacturing firm. Current structure of the coca cola company is simple with minimal labor and management division. New system that can be adopted by the company may be the â€Å"machine bureaucracy† which has been defined as an organization with clearly defined hierarchy, well defined area of operations, standard operating procedures, proper rules and regulations, well division of labor, formal relationships among the member of organization, centralized decision making, technical competence and standardization of work. The company has faced a lot of external changes, for example in world war II, the company was able to manage its existing position at that time and also entered in many new markets and discovered new niches. The company established 64 plants across the world to supply drinks to the troops (Coca Cola Company, 2006-2011). The company also provided free drinks to soldiers which were the part of its strategy to become a patriotic symbol for the people of the country. Also it boosted the sales, so the company achieved two objectives by carefully planning to respond to that external environmental change. The plants developed by the company in war era helped its expansion after the war. The recent change management at coca cola is directed towards the intrinsic values and motivations of the employees and can be referred to as ‘employee engagement’. The change management process, together with internal branding programs is expected to bring about ideal behaviors in employees, which would align the operations of coca cola worldwide, and bring about efficiency throughout coca cola across all its business segments. Coca Cola Company can use two change management tools to make sure that all people who are required to be the part of change management process. These tools are Force Field analysis and AKADAR model. Force field analysis is a technique developed by Kurt Lewin to scrutinize the forces that are causing an opposition to change process (Bass, 2009). By doing Force Field Analysis, Coca Cola Company will be able to induct people who are in need of appropriate training. Another useful tool is AKADAR model which stands for Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. Through AKDAR model, firm creates awareness about the need of change, generate desire in the people to help in transitioning process, give knowledge to the people that how they can help the change process, develop an ability in the people to go through the change and provide them with continuous reinforcement to withstand the change (CMLR, 2011). Coca cola hopes to bring about a thoroughly integrated system of communications, and focus on creating brand relationships with their employees. This would enhance the operations of Coca cola, as an integrated approach would mean all employees believe in engaging fully in the values, and this would become an inherent part of the employees at a personal level. For this purpose, employee engagement surveys are conducted twice every year for all the coca cola associates, which serve to highlight the areas where action is required, and further actions and implementations can henceforth be executed. Employee engagement is very significant to all segments of operations at coca-cola and has translated into performance in areas where employee engagement is higher. For coca-cola, an engaged workforce means: A more committed workforce Employee performance aligned with organizational objectives Employees have a clear idea of what is expected of them and what are the deliverables Customer experience focuses an inherent part of employees’ values, who strives to provide a better experience to the customers. Customer focus was identified as a central tenant of the multi-year engagement strategy to be implemented in 2011(Gee, 2011) Change in inevitable. Therefore, the focus should not be on avoiding change, rather bringing about a smooth transition towards the new change by communication about the change, and ensuring all parties of the change that it is for the best of all those involved. To successfully implement organizational change of any nature, a specific regards to organizational structure, design, culture, management and leadership is required to see whether the change would make a best fit with the organizational goals and objectives. To conclude, it may be said that communication can be a key element to successful change management. Communicate the changes to the employees, tell them why the change was inevitable and how they will benefit from the change. The management should itself adopt a positive attitude towards the change so that employees can follow their lead and welcome the change. Coca-cola as a company has a heritage of embracing change rather than resist it and it should translate into their future endeavors towards change management to ensure that the organization is best poised to market and environmental conditions.

The Effect of Different Levels of Radiation in Growth of Plants Essay Example for Free

The Effect of Different Levels of Radiation in Growth of Plants Essay ABSTRACT The effect of different levels of radiation was determined using four set-ups-10kR, 30kR, 50 kR, and the control (no radiation). The four set-ups were observed for nine weeks and growth (in cm), germination, and survival rate was measured. Results showed that at the right level of radiation level (10 kR), radiation have a positive effect on the plant growth and has the same germination and survival rate from the control set up. The 30 kR set up and 50 kR set up are relatively smaller in growth than the control set up. Thus, increasing the radiation level above 10 kr corn inhibits its growth in terms of height and decreases the percent germination ofcorn (Zea mays L.) but with right amount of radiation at 10 kr radiation has a positive effects in terms of growth. INTRODUCTION According to (Mendioro, Laude, Barrion, Diaz, Mendoza, Ramirez, 2010), Mutations are changes in the genetic material that are heritable and essentially permanent. Mutations either may be spontaneous, or induced by physical or chemical agents. Ionizing radiation such as X-rays, protons, neutrons and alpha, beta, and gamma rays from radioactive sources like radium and cobalt-90, X-rays and other ionizing radiation is one of the common mutagenic agents that break DNA strand which produce chromosome breaks rather than base changes (Ramirerz, Mendioro, Laude, 2010). Ionizing radiation can penetrate tissues and undergo ionization forming ions. These ions undergo chemical reactions to have a stable chemical configuration. While doing these, ions produce breaks in chromosomes, (DNA) which induce mutation (Das, 2006). The biological effect of ionizing radiation depends mainly on the amount of energy absorbed by the biological system of which, of course, the chromosomes are the most target (Harten, 1998). However according to Wort (1941) as cited by (Sax, 1955) wheat seeds irradiated with low doses of X rays produced larger plants than the control. The study aimed to determine the effect of different levels of radiation on plant growth in corn (Zea mays L.). The specific objectives were: 1.To  observe the effects of different levels of radiation on plant growth in termes of height, germination, and survivability, and 2.To explain the observe effects of radiation in corn (Zea mays L.) to its growth. MATERIALS AND METHODS To assess the result of different levels of radiation in plant growth of corn, corn seeds were irradiated at varying doses: 10 kR,30 kR, and 50 kR. These irradiated seeds were at the same time and the same place including the control set-up. For nine weeks, the data for plant growth (cm), germination rate(%), survivability rate (%) were collected and tabulated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION As seen in Table 1, results show that the the set-up that was irradiated with 30 kR and 50 kR ended the lowest percent germination while the set-up that was irradiated with 10 kR was the same with the control based on percent germination which is 100%. At the first date of observation, the lowest in average height is the set-up that was irradiated with 50 kR. With the same date and place of planting, you can conclude that radiation has an effect to the plant growth, germination, and survival of the plant. You can see at the Graph 1 that the control set-up and the 10 kR set-up are almost the same but in the end of the graph, the 10 kR set-up was the highest in terms of average plant height.  At 50 kR, the plant cannot survive anymore due to the radiation and no data was recorded because the survival rate is 0% means all the plants in the 50 kR was dead.  Unlike in the 10 kR, 30 kR set-ups was relatively lower than 10 kR setup in terms of plant growth, survival rate and germination rate. Plants have some resistant to some radiation because plants do not have lotions and sunblocks and they need sunlight for photosynthesis and we know that the sun emits UV  rays. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The effect of different levels of radiation was observed by irradiating corn seed using three different setups-10 kR, 30 kR, and 50 kR. Data was collected and shown. Thus, there is a certain level of radiation that can make a plant grow more. In this experiment, we conclude that at 10 kR, corn plants grow better because of mutation. Furthermore, this experiment is subjected to further reseach to improve the conclusion that at certain level radiation, plants grow better. Bibliography Das, L. D. (2006). Genetics and Plant Breeding. New Age International Ltd. Harten, A. M. (1998). Mutation Breeding: Theory and Practical Applications. Cambridge University Press. Mendioro, M. S., Laude, R. P., Barrion, A. A., Diaz, M. Q., Mendoza, J. C., Ramirez, D. A. (2010). Genetics: Laboratory Manual 12th Revision. 7 Lakes Printing Press. Ramirerz, D. A., Mendioro, M. S., Laude, R. P. (2010). Lectures in Genetics Ninth Edition. 7 Lakes Printing Press. Sax, K. (1955). The Effect of Ionizing Radiation on Plant Growth. American Journal of Botany, 360-364.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impact Of Ethnocentric Staffing Practice Management Essay

Impact Of Ethnocentric Staffing Practice Management Essay Introduction Over the past decades, an inconsiderable amount of research has dealt in the field of managing and reducing employee turnover in international staffing practice. In this study, which appraise staffing policies in International Human Resource and issues relating to employee turnover of local manger in subsidiaries of Multi-national Corporations. This paper evaluates series of issue encountered by the local or subsidiary manager. Hereby consider the role and patterns of international staffing model, the advantages and disadvantages of Parent country national (PCN), Host country national (HCN), retention strategies and approach used in managing avoid staff turnover. in this regard, has examined possible way-out of the present dilemma encountered by the local or subsidiaries mangers and the way forward but might vary in different sectors and culture of a country or probable the culture of the Multi-National Corporation. Function and Pattern of International Staffing Model There are different reasons for international staff transfer which can be as a result of control, co-ordination, developing management, unskilled local personnel and organization development. Which will lead to the increase of companys potential to succeed and compete in the international market (Edstrom and Galbraith, 1977; Harzing, 2001). However, Scholars have also pointed out that the success of knowledge sharing through international transfers is not automatic but rather depends on social processes. In recent it has been pointed out that key rationale for staff transfer is due to the transfer of advance and technical knowledge (Bonache et al., 2001; Hocking et al., 2004). However, staff transfer is a two- sided magnitude, which is between the Head quarter and the subsidiaries and it also involve the process comprises parent-country nationals (PCNs), host-country nationals (HCNs) and third-country nationals (TCNs) (Harzing, 2001; Welch, 2003). In this regard, Head quarters organization that are sent to HCNs and TCNs they are commonly referred to as Expatriates and vice versa for the inpatriates. Perlmutter and Heenan (1969; 1979) identified four different international staffing policies (ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric and regiocentric). MNCs following an ethnocentric staffing policy would appoint mostly parent country nationals to top positions at their subsidiaries, while MNCs following a polycentric staffing policy would prefer to appoint host country nationals (HCNs). Organisation with a geocentric staffing policy might simply pick the best person, regardless of his/her nationality and that could include third country nationals (TCNs), nationals of a country other than the MNCs home country and the country of the subsidiary. The Head quarter-centric nature of the staffing policies has been criticised by Novicevic and Harvey.H (2001) introduced a pluralistic orientation that enable a multiple, diverse and possibly competition which subsidiaries are given more orientations of subsidiary staffing that independent operation within the MNC context. The pluralistic orientation also brought about an alternative concept and a harmony orientation toward international staffing. Thereby indicated a tranquillity between subsidiaries and the Head quarters which is as result of integrative aspect. Pro and Cons of PCNs, HCNs or TCNs These are some of the advantages and disadvantages of employing these different groups of employees. It is shown that none of the options is without its disadvantages whereby will focus on some of the most frequently mentioned advantages and disadvantages (Negandhi, 1987; Phatak, 1989; Dowling, Festing, Engle, 2008) are summarized as follows. In Table 7.1 below Source: Harzing and Reiche 2009. Influences on Subsidiary Staff Turnover Sebastian .R, (2007). Classified two major factors that lead to subsidiary staff turnover which is as a result of the effect of international staffing practices. He then conceptualise it has perceived career advancement opportunities and their organizational identification. Figure 1 shows the integration of all variables in a framework due to the effect of international staffing practices on subsidiary staff retention. Career Opportunities of Subsidiaries Staff These involves situation where the organisation seems to make global exposure and career advancement as part of the employment contract with the local national, but the organisation at the end of the day fail to fulfil their promise and with the design of international staffing practices that has an effect on subsidiary staffs career perspective and also leads to employee turnover .which aligns with (Griffeth et al., 2000; Hom and Griffeth, 1995) turnover studies and (Birdseye and Hill, 1995; Feldman and Thomas, 1992; Naumann, 1992) expatriate turnover research. Recent literature has focused on the view that a huge number of foreign expatriates distorted HCNs career advancement opportunities and create sizeable income and status disparities, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction among locals. In regards, the ethnocentric staffing practices which is a one-sided approach that restrict career advancement of local staff to a mere lower manger position. Sebastian Reiche (2007). Organizational Identification of Subsidiaries This involves situation whereby the international staffing practices affects the subsidiary staff in relation to the identity of their organization (Dutton et al., (1994) The degree at which a member defines himself by the same feature that he or she believes defines the organization. This has been shown to exert a negative effect on turnover intentions (Koh and Goh, 1995; Van Dick et al., 2004). The fulfilment of career aspirations is considered to serve as a key antecedent of organizational identification (Brown, 1969; Reade, 2001). In an organization which consist multiple relationship, each with unique set of values and objective operating from different sources of membership and identification, sustains the notion that individuals experience multiple commitments or identifications (March and Simon, 1958; Reichers, 1985). The polycentric staffing practices mainly shows identification with the local unit. At the same time, might be identified with the global company and it more difficult to promote. As Lawler (1992) notes, identification tends to be more significant with regard to association in contrast to larger organisation and also in the case of a geocentric orientation international career progression may only involve a very small fraction of HCNs. Finally, (Novicevic and Harvey, 2001) pluralistic orientation to international staffing serves as an additional source of identification of a harmonizing approach helps to constitute respective Head quarters policies and practices within it subsidiary which, in turn, facilitates HCNs approval and thus enhances their identification. International Staffing-Related Retention Strategies The staffing retention strategies are of two dimensions namely subsidiary management. Which will help minimize staff turnover in the subsidiaries such as managing subsidiaries through local staff and the expatriation of local staff may help to retain employees in MNCs worldwide operations. Hereby the strategies for the suitable scenario. Subsidiary Management Through Local Staff This involves pluralistic and harmony approach to international staffing that help to reconcile individual and organizational career plans, thereby tying individuals career commitment to the company and hence fostering long-term membership. Global assignments of PCNs which is to be maintained effectively by socializing. This becomes an essential instrument for clearing out dispute between local and foreign personnel (Lueke and Svyantek, 2000). Also strategy challenges the preservation of MNC cohesion. There should be regular regional meetings as well as close communication and exchange of knowledge serve between local personnel to the Head quarter. As important measures to align HCNs to the overall corporate values that may foster locals identification with the global organization. Expatriation and Impatriation of Local Staff This involves establishment of a centralized and comprehensive schedule of all managerial employees, regardless of nationality, for those are readily available for international assignments. But along the line there might be a slight problem to the local staff loss of autonomy. (Kopp,1994). The central record of corporate talent has to be complemented by a regionally administered register of lower-level managers suitable for intra-regional transfers. In the case of re-entry problem are associated with threat of turnover. Therefore, it can be effectively managed by establishing new repatriation policies and career projection from onset, thereby indicating long term commitment to the respective individuals and thus enhancing their organizational identification (Gregersen and Black, 1992; Stroh, 1995). Thus, provision made for international assignments for HCNs involves the concept inpatriation, entails the transfer of subsidiary manager to the Head quarter on a temporary to permanent basis (Harvey and Buckley, 1997; Harvey et al., 2000), that make the manger understand the culture of the Head quarter and build a network which will enhance reduction in employee turnover in MNC subsidiaries by feeling appreciated and fulfilled to an extend on foreign exposure. It also shows an appropriate mechanism to foster international assignments for local staff and to achieve the conflicting aim of share of foreign expatriates through a localization strategy. The term inpatriation will be more productive in subsidiaries developing countries that exhibit institutional distance cultural difference. Contrarily PCNs are still to be expatriated, but mainly to countries where adjustment problems are less critical (Harvey et al., 2000). Inpatriation is also important in the transfer of tactic knowledge from the subsidiaries to the Head quarter and it a plus on the parent company manager exposing them to an international perspective. for example in the case of use of inpatriates, especially in European and US multinationals, will increase in the future (see Box 7.2). The above box illustrate the envisage population rate of inpatriate between European companies and US companies which might increase to this point in the nearest future. Managing and Strategies for Prevent Manager Turnover Maertz and Campion, (1998) explains that an organization manages to avoid turnover or not will be based on the availability of internal retention incentives and how well organization and appropriate the organisation can make it applicable to them. This classification of retention practices is due to the HR policies that result into various outcomes in terms of organisational advancement employee perceived behaviour and exhibit synergies. Delery and Doty, (1996). At this point, which deduce a typology of available HR practices that possess retention capacity. HR practices either have the capacity to control turnover on a short-term and responsive basis nature. Relational employment contract that will increase career development and job enrichment may be effective practices to keep core employees. While transactional relationships in short-term retention needs can be achieved through adequate remuneration, control and overseeing. Sebastian. R,(2008). Classification of Retention Practices Source: Sebastian Reiche 2008. The table above highlight four unique types of retention practices (see Table. 1 above), which is framed following difference between responsive versus preventive practices and practices in transactional versus relational employment relationships. Responsive retention practices in transactional employment relationships Transactional employment relationships are due to majorly time frame to respond and the scope of the retention needs are necessarily limited. It policies is in relation to pay and incentives which will help retain managers in HCN. Shaw et al., (1998). Responsive retention practices in relational employment relationships Relational employment contracts will include long term benefit for managers that are productive. For example Preventive retention practices in transactional employment relationships This is deals with managers that have been fulfilled, motivated, job satisfaction. Thus, entails assigning supervisory role to such managers and in order to retain them managing employees job expectations right from the beginning. Cappelli, (2000); Glisson and Durick, (1988). Preventive retention practices in relational employment relationships This involves equality of the highest order, treating the PCNs, HCNs or TCNs managers equally, in fairness, procedural justice and transparency. Bloom and Michel, (2002); Shaw, Delery, Jenkins, Gupta (1998) J.D. Shaw, J.E. Delery, G.D. Jenkins and N. Gupta, An organization-level analysis of voluntary and involuntary turnover, Academy of Management Journal 41 (5) (1998), pp. 511-525. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (120)Shaw et al., (1998). Conclusion This write up briefly emphasize the main characteristics of international staffing practices of IHRM. This provides an analysis of the various staffing policies, with a focus on the effect of the one-sided effect (ethnocentric staffing) and the deficit effect on the local subsidiaries, dealt with specific influence leading to staff turnover for local managers and also considered the advantages and the disadvantages of using the staffing model. Identifying the effect of international staffing practices on local staff turnover and ways to manage such turnover in order to retain also put into consideration mechanism put in place to reduce turnover and retain subsidiary staff and the management of such turnover. However, local staff are usually the progenitor of tactic knowledge which is the key knowledge and also the linking source towards good social network which is evidence show in scholars research. Sebastian. R, (2007). Therefore, this is an opportunity develop the capability of major local employee over a long period, improve their career and making them feel identified with the company because they serve as mechanism of gaining a competitive edge. A number of subsidiaries are fruitful and Multi- National Corporations are moving in that line for further investment. However, international staffing practice may take exception and might involve different structure, process and also different countries culture. (Porter, 1990 ) At this point, will say international organisation or Multi-National Corporation can adopt the pluralistic view and still need to enforce more attention in the management of the local managers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Japanese Business Culture Essay -- Globalization

Japan is the third-largest economy in the world, an island of nations within East Asia. Japan is the world’s tenth largest country by population, with 127.3 million people. A major economic power that continues to experience growth resulting from industrial and technological breakthroughs. In the last decade, Japan has experienced growth through globalization that affected it citizens by employment and wages. As a vital key to conducting business in Japan it is essential for a corporation to understand etiquette and protocols as well as the religious beliefs that may or may not impact business. Japan has solidified itself a global economic power and concentrated contributor through automotive, advanced technology, and textile industries. The greatest accomplishment of any country is the heritage of culture it produces and passes down thru generations. Japan grew as an economic force beginning in the 1960s, and has exiliterated a high standard of living since that time. Japan is a parliamentary democracy modeled by the British system. It is comprised of two legislative chambers of elected representatives, a parliament. People, businesses, culture, and economic strength are key components to a country globalization. Over the last decade, Japan has managed to shift dependence from foreign energy suppliers to international environment focused on import and exports. The two tiered financial structure and the Japanese’ perception of frail and weak economy are factors that influence this countries resiliency during a global recession. Examples of economies that have proven competitive in Japan are amongst the industrial industry. Exports have been the main resource of Japan's economic growth. Japan imports raw materials and proce... ...ral Michigan University. (2008). Administration, globalization and multiculturalism. (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw Hill Learning Solutions. Japan disaster threatens economic recovery, affects economies globally. (2011, March 15). Retrived from Kaneko, Kaori. (2012). Economy picking up, exports better: japan. Retrived from Kwintenssential. (n./d.). Japan. Retrieved from Morrison,Charles E. & Soesastro,Hadi.(1998). â€Å"Japan,† Domestic adjustments to globalization Reischauer, Edwin O. (1982). The Japanese.(13th ed.) Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Webster, Fiona. (2001). Globalization does it work on japan. Retrived from

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Iliad of Homer Essay -- essays research papers

The Iliad of Homer Honor is something men and women have fought for century after century. Even now, thousands of American and British men are fighting in Iraq, near to where the Trojan War was to have taken place. These men fight for the greater good. They fight for those in Iraq who are unable to fight for or otherwise defend themselves. They fight for honor. The characters in the Iliad are motivated by their own form of honor, or arete, known similarly as the Homeric Code. And it is because of this code that the Trojan War began. The characters in this story are shown to possess arete, but some have different ideas as to how vastly and to what rate it should be respected. And because of this, many a man’s honor is disturbed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Homeric Code can be defined as â€Å"unwritten rules that guide the conduct of the Homeric Heroes.† For the Homeric Heroes, success means survival and greater honor; failure means death and removal from the struggle for honor. What the Heroic code means is that honor is more important than life itself. It is obvious throughout the books that the characters of high honor are the ones that ignore warnings to stay away from danger, battles, and the like. Courage, physical abilities, and social status are also important contributions to the Homeric code. To truly understand this code and the true dedication to it as told by Homer, means becoming accustom to the values kept by those in this story.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   ...